Alternative Facts and the Post-Truth Society: Meeting the Challenge
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. – George Orwell, 1984 Continue reading →
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. – George Orwell, 1984 Continue reading →
Over the past decade or so, there has been a proliferation of online‐only law review–law journal supplements (or “companions”). This… Continue reading →
Winner of the University of Pennsylvania Law Review’s Second Annual Public Interest Essay Competition: Partisan gerrymandering decreases the electoral accountability… Continue reading →
Although State of Washington v. Trump has generated enormous attention, the Ninth Circuit, the parties, and legal commentators have largely… Continue reading →
In a recent Essay, Professor Litman and Mr. Beasley provide a detailed discussion of how they believe the U.S. Sentencing… Continue reading →
Entering the White House in 2009, President Barack Obama committed to closing the military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay in… Continue reading →
Many important decisions historically made by people are now made by computers. Algorithms count votes, approve loan and credit card… Continue reading →
Preclusion is a complex doctrine to apply in any given case, and patent litigation presents no exception. Ever since the… Continue reading →
Over the last four decades, the United States has witnessed the emergence of a leviathan prison industrial complex. Eager to… Continue reading →
In a recent Supreme Court decision, State Farm v. Rigsby, a homeowner’s house was damaged by Hurricane Katrina. The homeowner… Continue reading →