Naming Online Law Review Supplements (Or Whatever They Are Called)

Naming Online Law Review Supplements (Or Whatever They Are Called)

Over the past decade or so, there has been a proliferation of online‐only law review–law journal supplements (or “companions”). This has been a welcome trend; the articles tend to be shorter, the editing and publishing process tends to be quicker, and authors now have more opportunities for publication—particularly at the highest levels.

The name given to such journals is another matter. Uninspired is probably the kindest thing that can be said. Most are obvious (University of Pennsylvania Law Review Online? Yes, we know). Some seem a little self‐absorbed (Michigan Law Review First Impressions? How . . . thoughtful). Dead languages—ironically enough—are surprisingly popular. (Penn State Law Review Penn Statim? Say what?). Something needs to be done. The people in charge of these journals obviously need help.

Enter this Essay, the purpose of which is to provide some ready‐to‐use names for online law review supplements. These names are divided into two categories, depending on the preference of the journal. The first category consists of a list of terms to simply add to the name of the main journal. The second category consists of stand‐alone names for those desiring a cleaner break from the past.
