Presidential Signing Statements: A New Perspective
This Article offers a new perspective on Presidents’ use of signing statements. Following the dichotomy reflected in the literature, I… Continue reading →
This Article offers a new perspective on Presidents’ use of signing statements. Following the dichotomy reflected in the literature, I… Continue reading →
In simple but delphic terms, the Take Care Clause states that the President “shall take Care that the Laws be… Continue reading →
The continuing debate over the President’s directive authority is but one of the many separation‐of‐powers issues that have confronted courts,… Continue reading →
Scholars, lawyers, and, indeed, the public at large increasingly worry about what purposive presidential inaction in enforcing statutory programs means… Continue reading →
Conventions pervasively shape and constrain executive discretion and are an indispensable tool for understanding the issues discussed in the articles.… Continue reading →
Six years after its enactment and two years after the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, now is an… Continue reading →
This Article uses Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Resident program (DAPA) to explore the tension between… Continue reading →
This Article draws attention to a conceptual point that has been overlooked in recent discussions about the theoretical foundations of… Continue reading →
Within the same immigration court, some immigration judges are up to three times more likely than their colleagues to order… Continue reading →
In this Comment, I argue that obtaining and sustaining optimal video game innovation and creativity requires two complementary advancements by… Continue reading →