"Looking Backward" to 1938
It is a pleasure to contribute to this celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Federal Rules. As one who… Continue reading →
It is a pleasure to contribute to this celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Federal Rules. As one who… Continue reading →
The events of September 11, 2001, forever changed the political and legal responses to terrorism. After more than ten years,… Continue reading →
Family law has escaped the colorblindness revolution. During the same time frame that the Supreme Court has adopted increasingly stringent… Continue reading →
Congress has recently acknowledged the need for a better understanding of investor behavior. In the Dodd–Frank Act, Congress instructed the… Continue reading →
As most of us are aware, noncompliance with the tax law can lead to tax penalties, which almost always take… Continue reading →
A U.S. firm buying and selling its own shares in the open market can trade on inside information more easily… Continue reading →
The traditional view of the federal administrative state imagines a bureaucracy consisting entirely of executive agencies under the control of… Continue reading →
The relationship between state sovereignty and state territory in the United States is more complex, interesting, and unstable than the… Continue reading →
The rights and responsibilities of religious institutions are hotly debated in the early twenty-first century. Liberal separationists argue that religious… Continue reading →
In 1986, Congress enacted the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) to regulate government access to Internet communications and records. ECPA… Continue reading →