Blessed Are The (Global) Peacemakers: Evaluating The Ali’s Proposed Medical Monitoring Amendment
As Judge Jack Weinstein says, the Third Restatement of Torts “should attempt to synthesize a tort law for the industrialized… Continue reading →
As Judge Jack Weinstein says, the Third Restatement of Torts “should attempt to synthesize a tort law for the industrialized… Continue reading →
In situations of domestic violence, divorce offers legal freedom from an abusive spouse. But too often, access to divorce cuts… Continue reading →
Although expertise is a pillar of public administration and administrative law, the government is increasingly missing experts. The U.S. federal… Continue reading →
Criminal law is typically understood as the exclusive province of the government. Conventional wisdom holds that crime harms the public… Continue reading →
In 2015, the United States military struck a hospital in Afghanistan run by Médecins Sans Frontières, killing forty-two staff and… Continue reading →
Congress’s authority over the purse is among its most potent powers.James Madison argued that it was “the most complete and… Continue reading →
The President sometimes delegates important constitutional and statutory powers to use force or conduct other national security operations. Although these… Continue reading →
This Article reveals a surprising expansion of presidential authority to control goods and services available in the United States because… Continue reading →
The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power “[t]o regulate Commerce with foreign Nations,” but today the exercise of the foreign… Continue reading →
The Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917—or the “TWEA”—is the precursor to the modern statutory sanctions framework of the… Continue reading →