FDA Regulation of 3D‐Printed Organs and Associated Ethical Challenges
The implications of pervasive implementation of 3D printing with biological material, also known as “bioprinting,” are vast. They present never‐before‐seen… Continue reading →
The implications of pervasive implementation of 3D printing with biological material, also known as “bioprinting,” are vast. They present never‐before‐seen… Continue reading →
In an effort to protect the exercise of free speech, many states have enacted “anti‐SLAPP” statutes—which provide special motions making… Continue reading →
Despite the dominant role corporations play in our economy, culture, and politics, the nature and purpose of corporations remain hotly… Continue reading →
Courts and legal observers have long been concerned by the scope of authority delegated to administrative agencies. The dominant explanation… Continue reading →
In July 2011, Georgia executed Andrew DeYoung for murdering his parents and sister. Pursuant to a motion to preserve evidence brought… Continue reading →
After more than three decades during which it gave the issue scant attention, the Supreme Court has again made the… Continue reading →
Stock‐market–driven short‐termism is crippling the American economy, according to legal, judicial, and media analyses. Firms forgo the R&D they need,… Continue reading →
Design stands out among intellectual property subject matter in terms of the extent of overlapping protection available. Different forms of… Continue reading →
This Comment intends to advance a novel law for prosecuting the theft of cryptocurrency—the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016… Continue reading →