A Prosecutorial Solution to the Criminalization of Homelessness
More than one-third of the 580,000 homeless people in the United States are unsheltered. This population includes those who sleep on the… Continue reading →
More than one-third of the 580,000 homeless people in the United States are unsheltered. This population includes those who sleep on the… Continue reading →
The prison abolition movement, building on a long history of abolition in the United States, is articulating a vision of… Continue reading →
According to functionality doctrine, trademark protection cannot be granted for any feature that is essential to a product’s use or… Continue reading →
Legal scholars have long been fascinated by the topic of government secrecy. Yet they have largely focused their attention on… Continue reading →
Antidiscrimination laws enforce the idea that no one should be forced or encouraged to hide their race, gender, sexuality, or… Continue reading →
“Unlawful acts, performed long enough and with sufficient vigor, are never enough to amend the law.” So reads McGirt v.… Continue reading →
In order for something to be built, something has to be destroyed, and this jail’s administration has to be destroyed.… Continue reading →
The Civil War ended in the spring of 1865 and attention promptly turned to escalating the process of reconstructing the… Continue reading →
The U.S. Supreme Court has long recognized the constitutional importance of reproductive autonomy. However, for the unhoused the guarantees of… Continue reading →
The OECD’s BEPS Project was a major attempt to harmonize tax principles across jurisdictions and prevent tax-motivated artificial profit shifting.… Continue reading →