A Retrospective Look at Bankruptcy’s New Frontiers
It is something between awkward and an honor to be asked, as the creators of this Symposium did, to be… Continue reading →
It is something between awkward and an honor to be asked, as the creators of this Symposium did, to be… Continue reading →
This Symposium marks the fortieth anniversary of the enactment of the 1978 Bankruptcy Code (the “1978 Code” or the “Code”)… Continue reading →
Bond workouts are a famously dysfunctional method of debt restructuring. The process is so ridden with opportunistic and coercive behavior… Continue reading →
Many current bankruptcy debates—from critical vendor orders to the Supreme Court’s decision last year in Czyzewski v. Jevic Holding Corporation—begin… Continue reading →
Spend a day in a busy bankruptcy court and your research agenda could be set for life. Bankruptcy is crisis… Continue reading →
The Bankruptcy Code deals first and foremost with the cash flow rights of the debtor’s various investors. The immediate cause… Continue reading →
A generation ago, the Creditors’ Bargain theory provided the first comprehensive normative theory of bankruptcy. Not least of its innovations… Continue reading →
Prior scholarship points to valuation disputes and valuation error as key drivers of Chapter 11 outcomes. Avoiding valuation disputes and… Continue reading →
Thirty‐six years ago, Tom Jackson suggested that corporate bankruptcy law can best be explained and defended as the terms of… Continue reading →