Issue 1
The Inexorable Radicalization of Textualism
Some scholars have recently suggested that textualism, intentionalism, and purposivism are more similar than is generally realized. These new “accommodationist”… Continue reading →
Exploring Panel Effects
In Exploring Panel Effects, Professor Pauline Kim revisits the panel‐effects study she advanced in Deliberation and Strategy on the United… Continue reading →
Punitive Damages and Private Ordering Fetishism
In Punitive Damages and Private Ordering Fetishism, Professor Dan Markel responds to Professor Krauss's and Professor Owen's critiques of his… Continue reading →
Testing the Master Tools
In Testing the Master Tools, Professor Kimberly West‐Faulcon responds to Professors Guy‐Uriel Charles and Girardeau Spann, who critiqued West‐Faulcon's article… Continue reading →
Is Textualism Doomed?
In Is Textualism Doomed?, Professor Ilya Somin counters Professor Siegel's argument that textualism is ultimately doomed to irrelevance because its… Continue reading →
Opportunistic Textualism
In Opportunistic Textualism, Professor Lawrence Solan argues that while Professor Siegel expresses reasonable concern about the consequences of carrying textualism… Continue reading →