“Vital” State Interests: From Representative Actions for Fair Labor Standards to Pooled Trusts, Class Actions, and MDLs in the Federal Courts
This Article maps the transformation of constitutional understandings of the forms of aggregation that due process permits by putting these… Continue reading →
Class Action Notice in the Digital Age
Technology is advancing dramatically each year, reshaping our society in the process. Despite these rapid changes, however, many federal courts… Continue reading →
Improving the Patent System by Encouraging Intentional Infringement: The Beneficial Use Standard of Patents
With the growing importance of intellectual property in the global economy, “patent infringement” has become a dirty phrase for patentees… Continue reading →
On Mandatory Labeling, with Special Reference to Genetically Modified Foods
As a result of movements for labeling food with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Congress enacted a mandatory labeling requirement in… Continue reading →
Freedom of Information Beyond the Freedom of Information Act
The U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows any person to request any agency record for any reason. This model… Continue reading →
Will Tax Reform Be Stable?
Stability is essential to any reform’s success, yet it is hardly guaranteed. This is particularly true in tax policy, where… Continue reading →
Independent Directors and Controlling Shareholders
Independent directors are an important feature of modern corporate law. Courts and lawmakers around the world increasingly rely on these… Continue reading →