Making Sense of Immigration Law

Making Sense of Immigration Law

In Making Sense of Immigration Law, Professor Cox continues his argument from Immigration Law's Organizing Principles that the distinction between rules that select migrants and rules that regulate migrants "serves to obfuscate rather than illuminate the important normative principles at stake when we choose amongst competing immigration laws and policies." In his rebuttal to Professors Schuck's and Huntington's responses, Cox contends that in many ways both scholars' arguments "embody some of the same conceptual mistakes that . . . infect the field as a whole." Cox first addresses what he believes is a "misapprehen[sion]" of the argument from Organizing Principles: Schuck's contention that the article wrongly argues for "essential equivalence" between the concepts of "selection" and "regulation." After clarifying the structure of his argument, Cox turns to Huntington's claim that there is "some" conceptual distinction between the two types of rules. Cox argues that the distinction offered by Huntington—"between (a) admission and deportation rules and (b) other rules that regulate noncitizens"—can neither be understood as widely shared today nor a viable "dividing criterion" around which agreement could be found.
